4.2 Gardens
A garden is a wonderful way of having the abundance of nature in our everyday world. A garden artist describes how gardens are sacred places for her:
Gardens, as sacred places, are often sanctified as much by the process of nurturing and creating them as they are in the "products" they give us over days, seasons, and years. Simply stepping into a garden may instantly transport us into another realm. 
Gardens invite us to participate in rituals that tie us to all people of all time. They allow us to symbolically include loved ones, both living and dead, in our sanctuary through plants and gift treasures we weave into our garden tapestry. Our garden may tie us more deeply to our own personal ancestry if we follow family- honoured planting calendars, or planting an heirloom peony from our mother's garden. 
Our garden can afford us the rich opportunity to employ all of our senses, including the intuitive. Our gardens draw us again and again to pray or dance, play or meditate, to float on a fragrance and nourish our bodies. It's possible to merge with our plants, our setting, our task, or our ceremony to such a heightened degree that we recognize ourselves fully as a divine aspect of Nature.
Secret gardens dig deep into the psyche.  From childhood we carry images of enchanted space, like Sleeping Beauty's castle, ringed by a wall of thorns until the young prince breaks the spell.  Discovering a lost paradise is another powerful myth that has its roots in religious symbolism.  We are all searching for Eden.  Literature too offers models that make us long for secret spaces of our own.  In The Secret Garden, Frances Hodgson Burnett's classic tale of Edwardian England, the orphan Mary re-awakens a lost, locked garden, hidden behind high walls.  Equally magical is the crumbling chateau discovered by the hero of Alain-Furnier's Le Grand Meaulnes, inhabited by children and invaded by bushes run wild.  Stories like these continue to resonate throughout adult life in dreams of a place apart- a secret paradise that refreshes the spirits as well as the senses, a place to which you alone hold the key.