Introduction Folkmarks Belief Dreamtime Under the sun Folklore Brothers Grimm In the forest Norse cosmos Notions about nature Spiritual love Web of life Boundless heart Protect the scorpion Self-realisation Equality British ruralism Anthropocentrism Secular pantheism Hunting Cruelty Meat-eating The cosmos God given Gods of the temple God in heaven Energy driven Towards rationality Dark Ages Divine omnipotence Scholastics Science Galileo Descartes Gassendi Boyle Francis Bacon Newton Evolution Darwinism NeoDarwinism Gaia Poetic Astrological Intellectual islands Churchyards Gardens Oases Monastic wilderness Thin places: a personal anthology Wink's Meadow Great Yarmouth graveyard St Benet's abbey Art marks Naturalism Herb Paris Pollards Bittern Balsam Weevils Seaside rambles Horses Beautification Allegory Anatomy Poetry Ferocity Grace Abstraction Roos Sutherland Brancusi Moore Symbolic animals First pictures Totems Secular power Redemption Sacred imagery Native art PreDynastic Egypt Early Christian Animals of the Evangelists Bestiaries Aesop Timemarks Cultural landscapes Landscape systems Unifying place Landscape machine Cistercian legacy Call of the wild Taming the wild Down to earth Listening The communities Citeaux Early years Fountains Clairvaux Rievaux Love of nature Fathers Amedius Gilbert Bernard William Aelred The grangelands Tintern Rievaulx Sibton Background The Cistercians Beginnings Alberic Stephen Harding Bernard of Clairvaux Management of place Blackholes Calder Holme Cultram Beaulieu Dore Furness Whalley Tintern Buildwas Cleeve Byland Fountains Jervaulx Rievaulx Roche Vale Crucis Strata Florida Pastoralism Wood pasture The New Forest Commons Suffolk greens Dry belt cultures Hydrolic production Herding Steppe cultures Icons of nature and society Containers of space Pyramids Henges Stonehenge Cathedrals Pointers to eternity Rock art Natural wonders Landmarks Natural beauty Wildness Wilderness Species Ecosystems Uplands Woodlands Wildwood Commodities Wood rogues Agrarian Spinney Wet and wildness Coppice Hedgerows Plantations Wetlands Value added Gardens Landscape art Paradise gardens Planting passions Creative ecology Loveliness Nature conservation Romance of water Environmentalism Ecocentrism Deep Soft Sacred jaguars Technocentrism Managerial Irrational Printmarks Narrative Henry Williamson Fred Bodsworth Grey Owl Romany Polemic Rider Haggard Egypt Writings Charles Kingsley Industrialism John Ruskin Defining nature Conservation Aldo Leopold Descriptive Richard Jeffries Fabre Grey of Fallodon Arthur Patterson Spiritual Francis of Assisi Forests Ecological patron Contact with nature Song of the sun Thomas Merton Our own setting Interesting things A bower The hawk Dogwood Untouchables Jonathan Edwards Psalm 104 Romantic John Clare The Bean Field William Wordsworth Thorns Haunted tree Printmarks Spiritual Francis of Assisi Forests Ecological patron Contact with nature Song of the sun Thomas Merton Our own setting Interesting things A bower The hawk Dogwood Untouchables Jonathan Edwards Psalm 104 Romantic John Clare The Bean Field William Wordsworth Thorns Haunted tree Descriptive Richard Jeffries Fabre Grey of Fallodon Arthur Patterson Polemic Rider Haggard Egypt Writings Charles Kingsley Industrialism John Ruskin Defining nature Conservation Aldo Leopold Narrative Henry Williamson Fred Bodsworth Grey Owl Romany Footmarks Boundaries Aelfflaed's gift Hundred lines Labyrinths Wayfaring Epiphanies Zen Sacred  bush Camino Sagarmatha English roads Tourist 'ways' Education in concord Thoreau's writings Angels & devils Panoramas Literature Poetry Future fables Cultural ecology Scope Ecosacy The framework Library