Lack of oxygen
Anaerobic conditions in wetland soils require adaptations to overcome the problems associated with respiration and high concentrations of toxins. Relatively few plant species possess these adaptations, although many species typical of seasonally flooded wetlands avoid physiological stress by passing the flood period in a state of dormancy. Some wetland plants can respire anaerobically for short periods, but all will require oxygen eventually. Most species overcome the problems of low oxygen concentrations in the soil by development of aerenchyma (aerated tissues), creating interconnected air spaces within the root system, either within existing roots or, upon flooding, in new roots. The mangrove genus Avicennia develops roots which bend upwards, growing out of the soil to allow direct gaseous exchange with the atmosphere. Shoots, too, grow in some semi-aquatic species in response to flooding, to restore contact with the open air. Oxygen transported to roots reacts with metal ions, transferring them into oxidised, and therefore less toxic, forms, but some wetland plants tolerate high concentrations of toxins by incorporating them into their tissues.

Animals, too, have to be adapted to the special conditions of wetlands. Seasonally flooded wetlands will support aquatic species when inundated and terrestrial species when dry, these animals either moving away, becoming dormant or even metamorphosing into a terrestrial life stage when conditions are unfavourable. Fringe wetlands and other permanently flooded areas support a community reminiscent of lakes except that it tends to be based more on detritus than on phytoplankton. Stagnant water containing large quantities of decomposing organic matter reduces oxygen concentrations but many invertebrates overcome this by breathing air, either rising to the surface to breathe or transporting and storing bubbles of air under water; others pierce aquatic macrophytes and breathe air in the aerenchymae. The greatest effect of wetland conditions is upon organisms living within the substrate, which have to overcome the same problems of oxygen shortage and toxicity faced by plant roots.

Vertical zonation is commonly seen in wetlands, where a change in elevation of only a few centimetres will create a range of different conditions, each requiring different strategies and therefore supporting different species. A series of zones, related to the height of the water table with respect to the sediment surface, can be recognised at the land-water interface, representing different sets of conditions to which their inhabitants must be tolerant.
Zone 1 represents the fully terrestrial environment, with freely draining, aerated soils.
Plants living in zone 2 have roots which are, for the most part, in aerated soil, but may have to overcome problems of anoxia and toxins at depth.
Plants living in zones 3 to 6 must be tolerant of permanently waterlogged sediments; in zone 3, their above-ground parts are above the water and, in zone 4, the water is shallow enough to allow emergent species to grow.
Zones 5 and 6 are too deep for emergent species, and their flora is fully aquatic (euhydrophytes).
Zone 7 represents those parts of the water body beyond the littoral zone which are too deep for light to penetrate to the bed, and so are devoid of attached macrophytes. This type of zonation is particularly clear in fringe wetlands, but can be found in most wetland types.
Zonation of species analogous to that of marine algae occurs in coastal wetlands, where water level fluctuations are predictable yet frequent. Mangroves occur in tropical coastal zones from mean sea level to the highest spring tide level, within which are clear zones, each with its dominant species. Species-poor Central American mangals are dominated by red mangrove (Rhizopora mangle) on the seaward side, where tidal inundation is daily, black mangrove (Avicennia tomentosa) where tidal inundation is less frequent, and white mangrove (Lagunalaria racemosa) at levels flooded only by spring tides. Indomalayan mangals are much more speciose, but similar zonations occur).
Saltmarsh can generally be divided into three vertical zones. Low marsh supports very few macrophyte species and can contain large areas of bare mud, although in eastern North America this zone may be dominated by the grass Spartina alterniflora, and in the British Isles increasingly by S. townsendii, a hydrid of the alien S. alterniflora and the native S. maritima. Above the MHW is middle marsh, or turf, extensively vegetated with halophytic grasses, while above MHWS is high marsh, supporting halophytes and some freshwater species, such as common reed (Phragmites australis), which will persist so long as freshwater inputs are great enough to flush out occasional saltwater incursions.

Floating vegetation mats
A consequence of anoxia in flooded wetlands is floating mats of vegetation, formed when an interconnected mass of vegetation, generally dominated by a single species, breaks free from the underlying mineral substrate. Such mats float because their tissues are less dense than water and also, as they develop, because anaerobic decomposition within the mat generates trapped bubbles of methane, which will keep the mat afloat even if living tissue on the surface is removed.
Floating mats are especially prevalent in equatorial Africa, where they are known as 'sudd'. They are normally dominated by papyrus (Cypems papyrus), which can form extensive rafts of vegetation held together by interconnected rhizomes, with plants such as Vossia growing on the fringes. These mats are created when floating swamp on the edge of a water body breaks free during stormy conditions or when there is a sudden rise in the water table.