2.5 Green meditations

In her Introduction to the 1978 edition of her book 'A Land', Jacquetta Hawkes discarded false modesty.

A Land, she hopes, can 'be accepted as one of the heralds of that spirit of universal inter- relatedness that now inspires ecological thinking and action.' She had written it in the early 1950s to express her own intense awareness of continuity in both time and space. In some ways this originality had been a handicap: 'it was not a work of science, of scholarship, of opinion or of fiction, but a curious blend of them all.' Beyond dispute it had been an unexpected best- seller and many readers found that 'their vision of the world had been changed, made happier' by the book.

In many ways A Land is as timeless as the subject with which it deals. It continues to widen people's horizons, and anyone who takes stock of his or her place in the universe, should not be without it. It has been described as a sermon to herald a change in cultural orientation, a meditation on what is is to be human in a physico chemical process running on stardust.

Click Below To View Examples of Projects

Watching Stones

Sutherland's Great Tapestry at Coventry

Meditations in a Churchyard
