A Heritage Assets Management Network

'BAYWATCH' is a recess off the academic high road for unloading and picking up new ideas about education for sustainability. In particular, it is a notebook for spreading ideas and know-how about conservation management in the broad arena of cultural heritage.

It consists of a provisional collection of web pages and links to other sites. The pages, in various stages of development, present novel ways of systems thinking about planning by operational objective. They are directed towards the management of rural and urban heritage assets.

At the moment the material has been categorised in two sections: 'management' and 'education'.  Pages in the management section are directed towards information about nature conservation management in its professional dimension.  Pages in the education section are more concerned with new ideas about packaging informaton about heritage assets as models for environmental education.  However, the division is not hard and fast.

As a parking bay for new ideas, the web site also includes models for education/training that illustrate the use of goals- achievement methods in the management of green assets.

The aim is to spread ideas, good practice and achievements, and promote the development of models for seamless 'strategy to operations' management systems. Together with complementary resources for environmental education, these are, focused on action plans that apply scientific values of biodiversity to target sustainable development.

Cultural values of environment are increasingly being incorporated into management targets. For example, a view of 'faith in conservation' highlights the realm of art, myths, symbols, stories and legends to help value biodiversity as cultural heritage and our place in creation. The embryonic subject of cultural ecology is a blend of notional and scientific ideas about this skein of life.

A managerial view of conservation is part of education in ecological awareness that leads to practical community programmes and initiatives. Education in conservation management has to blend the spiritual with scientific and technical operations in order to engage all who feel passionate for caring for the environment. To contemplate the outcomes of a targeted conservation management plan at any level is a small step away from an act of meditation on Creation.

Please send comments and any documents and/or links to other sites to

BAYWATCH was initiated by Cardiff Bay Development Corporation to help the coastal communities of the City of Cardiff to participate in local management plans for sustainable development

It is now a cooperative project with a national perspective involving the Natural Econmy Research Unit (editorial), Impact Trust Wales the UK Conservation Management System Consortium and the Schools in Communities Agenda 21 Network

Formatting is by Hypermedia Education
