The attenuated pattern of greens and commons is found over much of Britain, but is sparticularly well developed in the claylands of  Suffolk, Norfolk, Wiltshire and Hertfordshire.  At one time, before the urban expansion of the late Industrial Revolution, similar large commons and associated sprawling settlement patterns could be found on the claylands of the Forest of Arden and the Wood Green area of west London. Nor, indeed, are they confined to the claylands of southern England; greens and green villages elsewhere have attracted the attention of geographers and historians for a number of years.  Writers on East Anglian settlement have long recognized that greens and commons on the Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk clays go hand in hand with a distinctive form of dispersed settlement pattern. However, it is necessary to make a clear distinction between this East Anglian settlement around greens and commons and the more nucleated, regular and, in some cases, planned variety of green village identified by geographers working in the north of England. 
Green villages come in all shapes and sizes, but examples of the less regular variety are now largely confined to the claylands of East Anglia, because it was here that a number escaped enclosure in