Suffolk greens
Over the large area of East Anglia called 'High' Suffolk, one is impressed by the flatness of the large intensively cropped arable fields and the twistiness of its minor roads that meander between small scattered settlements. 
Occasionally the traveller enters upon a wide expanse of open grassland or scrub with cottages and older farmsteads set back from the road. Splendid isolated churches are never entirely out of sight. Where they survive, open greens and commons interconnect with one another, making it difficult to tell where one begins and another ends. The impression is of an antique landscape, but one much mutilated by the effects of nineteenth-century enclosure and more modern 'agri-business'.
Geographers have speculated about the origins of these distinctive economic features of a settlement pattern spread over many hundreds, or indeed thousands, of years. The reasons behind the survival of common land in north Suffolk and south Norfolk have never been firmly established, but a groundswell of opposition by smallholders to parliamentary enclosure, and the lack of powerful landlords at a local level, may have been contributing factors.