Gilbert of Hoyland
From Two Letters
Thinking about mass and energy
Wisdom herself says: 'Whoever eats me will hunger for more, for  my spirit is sweeter than honey."
You, dear friend, have ample containers for that honey: a sharp and well-trained intellect and a wide knowledge of matters of great complexity. But these, in my opinion, are like the cells of a honeycomb: capacious but still empty. Draw near, therefore, and receive an inpouring; let your containers be filled! Their spate will come brimming over and pour itself out again on us, who will rightly praise you in the words of the Canticle: 'Your lips distil nectar.
' Ah! to hear you one day holding forth in the Lord's house, expounding the veiled and mystic meanings, attaining to and distilling for us with fine discernment something of the essence of God's majesty, of his eternity, immensity, simplicity - simplicity in which is nothing small, immensity that is not manifold, an essence wholly infinite, but not by being dragged out in time nor by extension of its mass in space, but of its own intrinsic energy and power. This essence is in its entirety both everywhere and in itself contained, there being nothing in which the whole of its might, truth or will is expended or expressed. There may be degrees we can discuss or distinctions that we name, but it itself is one and indivisible. All things are to be wondered at, worthy of reverence, delightful to explore. But at the last, as Scripture says, our eyes are not satisfied with seeing, nor our ears with hearing.
Gladly will I listen to you prophesying in this manner. And when, in your diligent search for truth, you have plunged into the vast depths of this sea, I shall watch you sprinkle with the refreshing dew of life-giving wisdom those inapt for a more generous wetting.