Action 1.3 Awareness raising
Community awareness-raising activities are an important component of most protected area community
outreach programmes, and provide a means of informing the community about the values and functions of
the area concerned, gaining the community’s support for crucial management strategies, and raising the profile
of protected area managers in the community. In addition, these awareness activities also provide an important
mechanism through which communities can raise issues of concern, and can provide feedback on
management initiatives and other relevant issues. Although the awareness activities implemented under this
action will need to respond to issues as the emerge during the 10-year implementation period of this plan, the
MMNR Plan Community Working Group has suggested that the initial focus should include improving
community awareness of the potential costs of losing the MMNR’s wildlife dispersal areas and the benefits
that can be derived from maintaining them, and raising awareness of respective roles and responsibilities of
MMNR managers, KWS, councils and other security agents (in particular with regard responsibility for addressing
specific problems such as banditry, problem animal or human-wildlife conflict incidences). Because
of the extent of the MMNR dispersal areas and the dispersed nature of the Mara community, it is anticipated
that awareness activities will primarily focus on schools, any adult education establishments, and/or other
appropriate meetings or forums located around the MMNR where presentations or talks could take place
(see also Action 1.4 below). Activities initiated could capitalise on local events such as school sports days or
open days, and could also be linked to other international events, such as World Environment Day in June
or World Tourism Day in September.