Tourism administration systems
This management programme, along with the Zonation and Visitor Use Scheme, provides a framework for enhancing and diversifying the MMNR tourism product, optimising tourism revenues and minimising the environmental impacts of visitor use. As detailed in the Pricing & Revenues chapter, the overall outcome of these initiatives is likely to be a substantial increase in revenue for the two county councils. However, to achieve this positive outcome, there will over the years ahead need to be major changes made in the way tourism is administered and managed throughout the MMNR, in particular significant investments in financial and human resources dedicated to tourism management and a major overhaul of the MMNR’s tourism administration systems. To achieve these major changes in tourism management, it will also be necessary to develop a close collaboration with tourism industry partners, to not only ensure the timely dissemination of information on any changes impacting on tourism operations (such as increases in entrance fees), but also to encourage industry support for the plan’s implementation and receive feedback regarding improvements that could be made, or any adaptations to management actions that might be needed.
Objective 4 has therefore been established to ensure that in future, MMNR management has the appropriate tourism administrative systems and capacity, as well as the full support of the tourism industry, all of which will be needed to enhance the successful and smooth implementation of this programme, and other associated aspects of the management plan. In order to achieve this aim, four management actions have been developed.