Social behaviour
In order to picture gene-culture coevolution more clearly, imagine two alien civilizations on distant planets. Both have about the same level of cultural sophistication as human beings, and both transmit virtually all of their cultures by means of learning.
In one of the alien species only a single version of each category of learning can be transmitted: one language, one love song, one marriage ceremony, one mode of warfare, and so forth. In this extreme form, a "pure genetic transmission" of the culture, the genes restrict the learning process-even though the culture is taught in classrooms, recorded in books, and so forth.
The biological model is the white-crowned sparrows of California, which must hear the song of their own species in order to learn it but are impervious to all other songs.
The second alien species outwardly resembles the first, but it possesses a totally blank-state mind. All cultural possibilities are open to the inhabitants. They can be taught any language, any song, any martial tactic with approximately equal ease. In this "pure cultural transmission" scenario, the genes direct the construction of the body and brain but not the behaviour. The mind is entirely a product of the accidents of history, including the place the aliens live in, the foods they encounter, and the stray inventions of words and gestures.
Human beings are between these extremes. Our social behaviour is based on gene-culture transmission: an immense array of possibilities can be learned, innovation occurs frequently, but biological properties in the sense organs and brain make it more likely that certain choices will be preferred or at least more easily learned than others.
In some categories, such as incest avoidance, the choices are narrowly constrained. In others, such as the semantic content of particular languages the choices are very broad and more nearly equipotent
This conception of mental development brings us to the question of variation in the choice of culturgens among members of a given society and among entire societies.
The evolution of culture displays some striking parallels with genetic evolution. Innovations appear in the population in the manner of mutations, spread like genes, and are favoured or abandoned by processes resembling natural selection and random drift. The interaction of these biologically based entities with the environment is as complex as that controlling conventional genetic evolution. Among the variables that must eventually be taken into account are the particular environment in which the society lives, the degree of its contact with surrounding cultures, the accidents of history, and the genetic variation among its members.
An approach to understand the biological underpinnings of mental life. reconstitutes cultural variation along with central tendencies in a combined analytic-synthetic fashion. This operates from the bottom up, using the facts of biology and cognitive psychology to work into more complex social phenomena.
It is logical to begin such an analysis with the simple case of a human population that is genetically uniform with reference to the processes of cognition. Charles Lumsden and R O Wilson began with the simple observation that each individual comes to favour certain marital customs, modes of dress, ethical precepts, and so forth, from among those available. And every time individuals modify their memories or face decisions in everyday life, they enact intricate sequences of events in cognition that obey the peculiar, constraining properties of semantic memory.
Not all the culturgens being processed are treated equally; cognition has not evolved as a wholly neutral filter, and the mind incorporates and uses certain culturgens more readily than others. Furthermore, the biases often shift with age, creating patterns that change with the demographic properties of societies.
Experience from sociological studies has shown that such models can incorporate memory and social context to an extent sufficient to fit choices made by individuals. Experience and memory are combined to make the transition rates from one alternative choice to another, using choices already made by others, in other words the cultural context.
Few quantitative studies have been made of this social influence, but enough is known to establish that it varies substantially from one type of choice to another.
For example, sibling incest is avoided by individuals throughout their lives regardless of the preferences of others, whereas the direction of attention of individuals in street crowds rises steadily in conformity with others as the percentage looking in one direction increases.
With the aid of mathematical techniques, it is possible to translate decision making and the effects of social networks into patterns of cultural diversity. This defines the relative frequencies of societies in which different percentages of the members use or prefer to use each of the competing culturgens.
A simple ethnographic distribution would be the following:
  • in 52 percent of the societies all members prefer outbreeding to incest,
  • in 46 percent of the societies 99 percent prefer outbreeding,
  • and in 2 percent of the societies 98 percent prefer it.
 A notable finding is that very substantial cultural diversity can be expected even when all of the societies are genetically biased to that particular category of cognition and behaviour.
Even though all of humanity may be genetically very likely to choose outbreeding over incest, substantial variation will still arise among the societies in the percentages of members choosing avoidance over acceptance.
Because the mind operates with an degree of chance, what emerges is not a fixed percentage of individuals making one choice across all societies but rather the pattern of diversity, in other words, the form of the cultural distribution.
A distinct curve will arise from each different degree of bias toward one culturgen and each different degree of sensitivity toward the choice already made by others in the society.
For each category of cognition and behaviour, human beings appear to have a distinctive degree of developmental bias and sensitivity. As a result the amount and pattern of cultural diversity can be expected to differ among these categories.
It is often argued that the existence of cultural diversity shows that there is no underlying genetic constraint. That conclusion is incorrect: the mere occurrence of the diversity says nothing one way or the other about constraints. On the other hand, patterns of diversity can tell us a great deal.
Another common misconception is that the existence of biological influence on diversity implies genetic differences between the societies. But diversity arises in distinctive patterns even in genetically uniform populations.
The models lead to another substantive result of the gene-to-culture theory.
Quite small differences in bias and sensitivity of the magnitude demonstrated among different categories of human cognition and behaviour are enough to generate strong differences among their patterns of cultural diversity.
Most strikingly, the distributions pass from a single mode to multiple modes (a mode is a frequency higher than surrounding frequencies) rather rapidly as sensitivity is altered. These differences are great enough to be detected even with relatively crude cultural data. They show how studies of cognitive and social psychology can be fed directly into the data of anthropology and sociology as part of a general quantitative theory of culture.
The earliest and most primative primates probably had most of their cognitive world "hard-wired." They had all the specific knowledge they needed for survival. Primates really took off from the rest of the mammals when we developed "general intelligence," which could learn from trial and error, and which could make generalizations based on experience. However, this general intelligence was slow in acquiring new knowledge. To accomplish that, specialized intelligences, or programmes, needed to evolve.
The first of these was social intelligence, which was the specialized ability to read and understand social heirarchies. Early empathy and the ability to infer from your own experience what other members of your species were thinking and feeling was the greatest power this new intelligence conferred, and became the origin of consciousness. The second specialized intelligence was that of natural biology. This was very helpful in expanding our observations of the world, and increased the food sources which were available to primitive ancestors of homo sapiens. The third specialized intelligence was technical intelligence. This enabled early man to fashion tools and to use them in ever more complex ways.
To these three intelligences -- psychology, biology, and physics, so to speak -- was added linguistic intelligence. This gave the conscious mind a voice. It also enhanced the other three intelligences, especially social intelligence. Prior to the evolution of linguistic intelligence, peer communication was mostly visual and tactile. Speech was much more efficient than grooming in building and maintaining social bonds.
It was also linguistic intelligence that made possible the next great leap to meta-intelligence. Linking the four specialized intelligences, there evolved during the period leading up to 40,000 years ago, a supraordinate intelligence which permitted what we might now call multitasking, or integration among the other specialized intelligences. We see the first evidence of this in the bursting forth of art and religion at that time. None of these appear to have been present prior to that time. Much like a simple computer, the earliest primates had a set of basic information. Then came a generalized processor. To this were added specialized programmes for psychology, biology, physics, and language. Finally, true homo sapiens developed a metaprogramme linking the others and permitting genuine creativity to take off.
Other indications of rapid changes during the Middle- Upper Paleolithic transition (35,000 to 45,000 years ago) in Europe include:
  • a shift in stone tool technology from predominantly "Rake" technologies to "blade" technologies, achieved by means of more economic techniques of core preparation.
  • a simultaneous increase in the variety and complexity of stone tools involving more standardization of shape and a higher degree of "imposed form" in the various stages of production.
  • the appearance of relatively complex and extensively shaped bone, antler, and ivory artifacts.
  • an increase in the rate of technological change accompanied by increased regional diversification of tool, forms.
  • the appearance of beads, pendants, and other personal ornaments made from teeth, shell, bone, stone, and ivory blanks.
  • the appearance of sophisticated and highly complex forms of representational or "naturalistic" art.
  • Associated changes in the socioeconomic organization of human groups, marked by:
i a more specialized pattern of animal exploitation, based on systematic hunting
ii. a sharp increase in the overall density of human population
iii. an increase in the maximum size of local residential groups
iv. the appearance of more highly "structured" sites, including more evidence for hearths, pits, huts, tents, and other habitations
Paralleling the biological evolution of early humans was the development of cultural technologies that allowed them to become increasingly successful at acquiring food and surviving predators. The evidence for this evolution in culture can be seen especially in four innovations:
  • the creation and use of tools
  • new subsistence patterns
  • the occupation of new environmental zones
  • architecture
  • art