4.4.2 Communities
The soil conditions, the risk of inundation and, in flood wetlands, the seasonality of the inundation cycle, all make a wetland an extreme environment for rooted plants. The precise physiological tolerances of most wetland plants ensure that community structure is intimately related to the water table. Conditions may be so extreme that no species can be adapted optimally to more than a narrow range of requirements and will be out-competed elsewhere.
Adaptations to permanently waterlogged conditions can lead to problems living in well drained soils. Some wetland species have little control over transpiration rates from their leaves and will dry out rapidly in the absence of a constant supply of water. Others, growing shallow roots to avoid anoxia, have little capacity for extracting water from dry soils, but wetlands support many species, adapted to waterlogging and low nutrient levels, which are physiologically able to survive or even flourish in well drained soil. Most of these species are, however, confined to wetlands by their poor competitive abilities elsewhere, as adaptation to waterlogging leads to strong specialisation and therefore a competitive disadvantage against terrestrial species if the environment dries up.
This is illustrated by changes wrought to the nutrient-poor Pinelands wetlands in the coastal region of New Jersey, USA, parts of which have undergone drying and nutrient enrichment as a consequence of nearby urban development. Changes to water quantity and quality have little effect upon the overall physical appearance of the habitat, nor on the relative abundance of the various life forms of plants: trees, shrubs and herbaceous vegetation.
What does occur, however, is a change in species composition, as a result of two processes. Lowering the water table allows the soil to dry, removing the constraints of toxicity and low oxygen concentrations which had previously impeded invasion by terrestrial species, while nutrient enrichment allows them, once established, to grow rapidly.
Wetland plants, adapted to a normally nutrient-poor environment, are low in stature and slow-growing, and in the presence of nutrients are outcompeted by the more vigorous terrestrial species, which have taller stems, broader leaves and more rapid growth rates. It has been found that the trend following urbanisation was towards increased species richness, but that this was actually hiding a loss of wetland species and their replacement with terrestrial plants, rather than a simple mixing of the two sets of species assemblages.

Sphagnum mires
Sphagnum species growing in peat-forming mires are unusual in that they can control and enhance the water table to their own competitive advantage. Sphagnum mosses lack roots, whereas most of their potential competitors are rooted vascular plants, so Sphagnum strategies for reducing competition involve creating adverse conditions below ground, to suppress root growth. Waterlogging clearly impedes non-wetland species, but Sphagnum also increases the acidity of its environment and reduces nutrient availability, its leaves intercepting atmospheric nutrients before they can penetrate the surface layers, and through slow mineralisation as a result of reduced decay rates. Finally, its poor heat-conducting properties ensure that the below-ground parts of the bog remain cool.
Suppression of vascular plants increases light availability and reduces water loss through transpiration, both of which maintain optimum conditions for Sphagnum itself.
Sphagnum shoot growth can exceed 10 cm yr~' in pools, but is typically 1-5 cm yr"1 in hummocks. Vascular plants growing with Sphagnum in peat-forming systems must, therefore, match this growth to avoid being smothered. The growth form of sundew (Drosera rotundifolia), for example, comprises a vertical stem and a series of leaf rosettes; stem growth keeps pace with that of Sphagnum, but at the expense of successive leaf rosettes, which are abandoned within the Sphagnum moss as they become smothered. By adopting strategies such as this, vascular plants can maintain their presence in Sphagnum bogs. In turn, they have little detrimental effect upon Sphagnum itself, although its growth will be suppressed by shading and particularly by accumulation of above-ground litter. The competitive advantage held by Sphagnum does, however, require maintenance of the high water table.
Drought conditions will benefit vascular plants, which have effective root systems for gaining water. Paradoxically, those with shallow roots, including Drosera, rely on the water-conducting capacity of Sphagnum for their water supply, so will also suffer under drought conditions.
A Sphagnum bog consists of raised hummocks, above the water table and often relatively dry, hollows which are permanently waterlogged or even flooded, and flat lawns. Although up to 10 different species of Sphagnum may coexist in a single mire, most are confined to a narrow vertical range and can be identified as 'hummock species' (e.g. S. rubellum and S. fuscum) and hollow species (e.g. S. balticum and S. tenellum), with a range of species from both groups occupying lawns. Within this division, there is often further, more subtle zonation, in which, for example, S. fuscum may occupy the upper part of hummocks and S. rubellum the lower part.
Hummock species take advantage of their high capillarity, greater tolerance of low nutrient levels and more stable dead tissue to grow above the open water level and form hummocks, the upper limit for each species being set by its physiological tolerance of an increasingly drier environment and reduced nutrient levels. The determinants of the lower limits to each species are, however, much less clear; transplantation experiments have demonstrated that it is not simply a case of hollow species being more competitive, as hummock species, when transplanted to hollows, have persisted and even thrived. How so many species can coexist when several apparently occupy each niche without any apparent habitat differentiation is also a mystery.
The hummock pool sequence is very effective at reducing runoff and therefore retaining the water table at a level advantageous to Sphagnum. The hummocks, however, are more oxygenated and therefore suitable for vascular plant species. So they support the growth of bog shrubs, such as heather (Calluna vulgaris] and even trees. Ironically, the roots of vascular plants form a firm matrix which supports the spongy Sphagnum; without this matrix, there is a danger that hummocks would collapse. The Sphagnum, therefore, relies upon vascular plants to maintain the high water table which gives it the competitive edge over these same plants.