3.2 Planning with features
A conservation plan is based on answering the following questions.
Why are we here?
A decision has to been made about what is of value to conserve and why.  This evaluation identifies the features to be managed.
What have we got?
All features to be conserved are described and mapped 
What do we want?
Each features is assigned an objective which defines its condition in relation to its desired condition. A measurable attribute of the feature is selected to record progress towards the objective. 
What must we do?
All factors/issues that have to be managed  to bring the state of each feature to the desired condition are addressed by projects which schedule the necessary inputs of resources..
Therefore each feature:
  • is described;
  • it is assigned a measurable objective;
  • factors are listed that have to be managed to reach the objective;
  • management projects are scheduled to control the factors;
  • monitoring projects are scheduled to record progress towards objectives.